Michael winter

BSc (Hons), MSc

PhD Student in Biology

Michael is a research assistant in the Endothelial Cell Research Group. Graduating from the University of Hull with a BSc First Class Honours in Biology, he subsequently attained his MSc by Research in Genomics and Bioinformatics. He is in the final stages of attaining a PhD studying genomics and bioinformatics. A member of the Genetics Society and the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, he is also on the steering committee of the Northern Bioinformatics User Group. His interests include the development and application of automated computational techniques for the handling and analysis of large genomic data, the pursuit and maintenance of reproducibility in the biological sciences, and the role of polyploidy in evolution and adaptation. 


Establishing platform for whole genome sequencing of pancreatic cyst fluid for early detection and diagnosis of pancreatic cancer at the University of Hull. 
